Sercotel's commitment to sustainability

Preserving the planet and using natural resources responsibly is a global and cross-cutting task. At Sercotel we are committed to adopting sustainable practices in our management and daily operations to minimise our environmental impact. We know that the Earth can wait no longer. Here are some of the actions we are carrying out.

We have an energy efficiency plan with measures on the use of: air conditioning and heating, low-energy lighting and sensors, cold rooms and kitchens. This strategy includes actions that are progressively implemented to reduce water, electricity and gas consumption and to make more efficient use. We constantly monitor our spending to ensure responsible consumption, and integrate innovative technological solutions to achieve our goals. In addition, to ensure that these objectives are achieved, we carry out regular monitoring audits throughout the year.
We selectively collect and separate for recycling, reducing the amount of waste going to landfill and promoting the use of materials.

Our refurbishments and new constructions take into account sustainable and energy and water efficient construction criteria.
We encourage the co-responsibility of our customers by promoting the reasonable use of resources and encouraging the saving of water and energy, as well as the reduction and management of waste. In this way, we contribute to the dissemination of the culture of sustainability.

Sercotel has worked with local food and beverage suppliers to reduce the environmental impact of transporting these products. Through this practice we not only contribute to reducing our carbon footprint, but we also support small local producers, promoting the circular economy in the regions where we are present.
One of the areas in which we have also worked hardest in recent years is the reduction of single-use plastics in all of the hotel chain's facilities. We will continue to work on this until they are completely replaced by reusable materials.

We are committed to reducing paper consumption in hotels and offices by promoting a minimum paper consumption policy. Instead of printing large quantities of brochures and information materials, we have chosen to progressively digitise this information and make it available to customers in other formats.