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Hoteles en Lugo

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        Lugo: historically enchanting  

        Located in the heart of Galicia, the city of Lugo is like a journey through time. Its famous Roman Walls, declared a UNESCO World Heritage site, are regarded as one of the best-preserved structures in the world. They’re over two kilometres long and they can be covered on foot on a walk that will prove interesting in both historical and panoramic terms. You’ll stroll along a construction dating back over 17 centuries that surrounds the city’s old town area.


        A must-see along the route is the impressive mural of Julius Caesar. 20 metres high, it proudly boasts that it was voted the best mural in the world in 2021. You’ll find it at Ronda da Muralla, 133.


        Another of Lugo’s favourite attractions is its Cathedral. It combines Romanesque, Gothic and Baroque elements and its interior is packed with fascinating artistic and religious treasures. The cathedral is located just 5 minutes walk from our hotel in Lugo. It’s located in the Plaza Mayor near the Casa Consistorial or City Hall, another building whose façade merits any number of photos.


        Lugo also has several museums that enable visitors to learn more about the city and the province. One of them is the Provincial Museum, founded in 1932 on the site of the old Convent of San Francisco. The other is the A Domus do Mitreo University Museum, opened in 2018 and run by the University of Santiago de Compostela. In both of them you’ll find unique pieces offering a great deal of information about Lugo’s past and present.

        A walk in the park?  

        The history of Lugo extends beyond its walls thanks to the Roman Bridge, which crosses the River Miño and links the Calzada da Ponte and the old road to Santiago. Next to the river lies the Miño Park, a green space ideal for strolling, playing sports, admiring the nature and relaxing.


        Another of Lugo’s green areas worth a visit is the Rosalía de Castro Park. Its 23 hectares contain vegetation, ponds, fountains and a viewpoint over the valley of the River Miño. After a stroll through the park you will want to rest in our hotels in the city of Lugo. 

        Hoteles en Lugo
        Lugo exists to be enjoyed and savoured 

        Galicia is renowned for many reasons, one of which is undoubtedly its gastronomy. Its seafood, meats, vegetables and wines are delicious reasons for visiting any Galician city. And Lugo doesn’t lag behind. Praza do Campo is where everything happens. Three streets lead off from here: Rúa do Miño, Rúa Nova and Rúa da Cruz. In all of them the bars offer the very best of Galician cuisine, with lacón con grelos (ham hock and turnip greens), pulpo a la gallega and empanada.


        As well as being a gastronomic destination, Lugo is well-known for its festivities. The Arde Lucus, which takes place in June, recreates the Roman life and culture of the ancient city of Lucus Augusti. And the San Froilán local festival, held in October, commemorates the city’s patron saint with activities, concerts and open-air dances for the whole family. Where better place to rest than in our hotels in Lugo and surroundings.